MPA-FishMApp – A Citizen Science App That Simplifies Monitoring of Coral Reef Fish Density and Biomass in Marine Protected Areas
Summary Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are areas where extraction of marine organism are prohibited to promote fisheries conservation and population recovery, specifically for reef fishes. In order to determine if MPAs are effective, annual monitoring survey is conducted wherein technical skills are required. Monitoring of reef fish can be done either by snorkeling and/or SCUBA…
Bleaching reduces reproduction in the giant clam Tridacna gigas
Summary Bleaching or the expulsion of the photosynthetic symbiont Symbiodiniaceae (‘zooxanthellae’) caused by the increase in seawater temperatures causes massive mortalities in giant clams. After a bleaching disturbance, population recovery is heavily dependent on reproduction and recruitment success. However, how bleaching directly affects the reproductive performance of giant clams is, to date, unknown. In our…
Attachment of potential cultivable primo-colonizing bacteria and its implications on the fate of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastics in the marine environment
Summary Mismanaged plastic wastes resist decomposition and accumulate in the environment. Plastic-polluted environments provide opportunities for naturally-occurring marine microorganisms to associate with marine plastic debris. Initial bacterial colonizers of plastic, called ‘primo-colonizers’, possess functional capabilities that enable them to survive on the plastic surface. To demonstrate these surface-associated activities and their effect on the plastic,…
Short-term exposure to independent and combined acidification and warming elicits differential responses from two tropical seagrass-associated invertebrate grazers
Summary A hatchery experiment was conducted to determine the individual and combined effects of lowered pH and elevated temperature on the feeding of two seagrass-associated invertebrate grazers, namely the sea cucumber Stichopus cf. horrens and the topshell Trochus maculatus, after 5 days exposure. The study found that elevated temperature increased the nighttime activity of the…
Moving towards open data, public access, and information sharing to combat marine plastics pollution in the Philippines and the Southeast Asian region
Summary Even though Southeast Asian countries are often mentioned as some of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution in the oceans, there is no existing database that validates these claims. Hence, the PlastiCount Pilipinas website was developed to gather and share information about plastic pollution specifically in the Philippines. This complements Strategy 1 of the…
A world without color: the bleached soft corals of Bolinao
Featured Photo: Bleached Sclerophytum sp. (previously identified as Sinularia) Deep in the throes of a global pandemic, the Philippines of 2020 was no stranger to death. Through her research, soft coral scientist Christine Baran found how true this was for our ever-warming reefs as well. Published in Marine Biology Research last May 2023, “Genus and…
UP MSI celebrates 50th Anniversary with a bang
Featured Photo: The scientists of UP MSI, both past and present. Photo taken by Lourie Hinaloc. The UP Marine Science Institute (UP MSI) commemorated its 50th Anniversary with three special events on Thursday, April 4. With the theme “Beyond Borders”, UP MSI invited UP officials and long-time partners to celebrate 50 years of marine science…
Enrichment of the protein content of the macroalgae Saccharina latissima and Palmaria palmata
Summary The large brown seaweeds, known as kelps, are potential sources of protein for animal feed. They have lower protein contents than most red and green algae, but due to potential for large-scale production, they may represent a significant future protein source. The impact of pH, temperature and polysaccharide-degrading enzymes on the solubility and extraction…
Global Mass Spectrometric Analysis Reveals Chemical Diversity of Secondary Metabolites and 44-Methylgambierone Production in Philippine Gambierdiscus Strains
Summary Chemical profiling and molecular networking of Philippine Gambierdiscus strains provided a glimpse of these organisms’ biosynthetic potential and chemical diversity. We gained insights into the similarities and differences in the metabolite production in the three Gambierdiscus strains. While the production of fatty acids, carbohydrates and 44-methylgambierone are common among the three strains, we observed…
Biochemical Mapping of Pyrodinium bahamense Unveils Molecular Underpinnings behind Organismal Processes
Summary Characterization of the proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids of P. bahamense based on mass spectrometry and chromatographic analyses provided baseline information on the biochemical characteristics of P. bahamense at the vegetative stage. These gave new insights into the cellular machinery behind this environmentally important organism. The molecular characterization has, in part, corroborated previous observations on…