Filipino scientist makes history by reaching the 3rd deepest spot on Earth

Featured Photo: Filipino scientist Dr. Deo Florence L. Onda from the University of the Philippines is one of the first humans to reach the third deepest spot on Earth. PHOTO COURTESY OF Caladan Oceanic.

Few have been brave enough to venture the depths of the oceans. Diving ten kilometers below sea level may not have required as much funding as the 1969 moon landing did, but it is worthy of just as much credit.

Last year, Dr. Deo Florence L. Onda, a microbial oceanographer from the UP Marine Science Institute (UPMSI), was invited to the Emden Deep by private travel company Eyos Expeditions. Caladan Oceanic, a prolific organization focused on undersea technology and expeditions, has been organizing a dive in the Emden Deep and chose Dr. Onda’s name out of a list of prospective Filipinos. The invitation included diving alongside Mr. Victor Vescovo, undersea explorer and founder of Caladan Oceanic, in the US$48 million DSV Limiting Factor.

The expedition ran from March 22 to 28 aboard the research-oriented vessel DSSV Pressure Drop. The descent itself took place on March 23rd and spanned ten hours, which Dr. Onda claims to have prepared for by watching videos of ocean explorations, attuning himself to enclosed environments, and making sure that he was always prepared for the worst.Last year, Dr. Deo Florence L. Onda, a microbial oceanographer from the UP Marine Science Institute (UPMSI), was invited to the Emden Deep by private travel company Eyos Expeditions. Caladan Oceanic, a prolific organization focused on undersea technology and expeditions, has been organizing a dive in the Emden Deep and chose Dr. Onda’s name out of a list of prospective Filipinos. The invitation included diving alongside Mr. Victor Vescovo, undersea explorer and founder of Caladan Oceanic, in the US$48 million DSV Limiting Factor.

Dr. Onda leads the Microbial Oceanography Laboratory of the UPMSI. His research gives insight on the role of microbial communities in events that take place in the ocean. The Emden Deep expedition has given him the opportunity to further emphasize the importance of scientific research in policy-making and marine preservation.