About MSI
MSI Academics
Courses Offered
How to Apply
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Areas of Research
Bolinao Marine Lab
Floating Assets
The West Philippine Sea: State of the Coasts Report (2024)
Coastal Survey for Citizen Scientists Manual (2023)
MSI Report 2019-2021
MATYAG: State of Coastal Habitats in the Six Philippine Biogeographic Regions (2020)
Museum and Exhibits
About MSI
MSI Academics
Courses Offered
How to Apply
Downloadable Forms
Areas of Research
Bolinao Marine Lab
Floating Assets
The West Philippine Sea: State of the Coasts Report (2024)
Coastal Survey for Citizen Scientists Manual (2023)
MSI Report 2019-2021
MATYAG: State of Coastal Habitats in the Six Philippine Biogeographic Regions (2020)
Museum and Exhibits
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Mandaragat News
Mandaragat Science
MSI@50 Lecture Series
MT Princess Empress Oil Spill
MT Terra Nova Oil Spill
Press Releases
Summaries of Journal Publications
Mandaragat News
Mandaragat Science
MSI@50 Lecture Series
MT Princess Empress Oil Spill
MT Terra Nova Oil Spill
Press Releases
Summaries of Journal Publications
UP researchers conduct field survey in Pag-asa Island through DENR-BMB funded project
UP MSI Opens Kanlungan at Kasarinlan: A West Philippine Sea Exhibit
Kalalawdan Fellowship Program for marine science research and policy was launched
Philippine patent for Fish-I granted
Why we’re losing land in the Kalayaan Islands
Bulletin #04: PhilSA oil spill extent maps show smaller oil spill area on July 30 compared to July 28
Bulletin #03: Oil spill trajectory model forecasts that spill will reach Bataan and Batangas
UP MSI Launches the West Philippine Sea State of the Coasts Report
Bulletin #02: Oil spill trajectory model forecasts that spill will reach Metro Manila by July 30
Bulletin #01: Oil spill trajectory model forecasts that spill will reach Bulacan and Cavite
UP MSI awarded 2024 Gawad Tsanselor for NARFleet
Making waves in the Marine Biotechnology track
Turning the tide through the Marine Physical Sciences track
Diving deep into the Marine Biology track
Morphological and Molecular Evidence for the Identity of Two Land Hermit Crabs
Coenobita longitarsis
De Man, 1902 and
C. pseudorugosus
Nakasone, 1988 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Coenobitidae)
A multi-framework analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions in developing a localized blue carbon ecosystems strategy in Eastern Samar, Philippines
Utility of low-cost recreational-grade echosounders in imaging and characterizing bubbly coastal submarine groundwater discharge
Seafloor Structures and Static Stress Changes Associated With Two Recent Earthquakes in Offshore Southern Batangas, Philippines
The Diversity of Eucheumatoid Seaweed Cultivars in the Philippines
Processing technologies for solid and flexible packaging materials from macroalgae
MPA-FishMApp – A Citizen Science App That Simplifies Monitoring of Coral Reef Fish Density and Biomass in Marine Protected Areas
Bleaching reduces reproduction in the giant clam
Tridacna gigas
Attachment of potential cultivable primo-colonizing bacteria and its implications on the fate of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plastics in the marine environment
Short-term exposure to independent and combined acidification and warming elicits differential responses from two tropical seagrass-associated invertebrate grazers
Moving towards open data, public access, and information sharing to combat marine plastics pollution in the Philippines and the Southeast Asian region
A world without color: the bleached soft corals of Bolinao
UP MSI celebrates 50th Anniversary with a bang
Enrichment of the protein content of the macroalgae
Saccharina latissima
Palmaria palmata
Global Mass Spectrometric Analysis Reveals Chemical Diversity of Secondary Metabolites and 44-Methylgambierone Production in Philippine
Biochemical Mapping of
Pyrodinium bahamense
Unveils Molecular Underpinnings behind Organismal Processes
Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Monosubstituted Xestoquinone Analogues from the Marine Sponge
Neopetrosia compacta
Survival and growth of coral recruits in varying group sizes
Survey of gender bias in the IPCC
Utility of low-cost recreational-grade echosounders in imaging and characterizing bubbly coastal submarine groundwater discharge
Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction using 3D X-ray Computed Tomography in Coral Cores from Baler, Aurora, Philippines: An Initial Study
Dr. Aletta Yñiguez to lead CoastPredict’s GlobalCoast ocean forecasting program in the Philippines
UP MSI’s Dr. Lilibeth A. Salvador-Reyes as Sole Female Speaker from Southeast Asia at prestigious Marine Natural Products Conference
The Marine Science Institute’s first 50 years
UP MSI’s Rene Abesamis is Granted a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation for Work on Coral Reef Protection
Dr. Baldomero Olivera is the next speaker for MSI@50 Lecture Series
Seaweed as a Resilient Food Solution After a Nuclear War
MSI makes a big splash at PAMS 17
Congratulations to Dr. Wilfred John Santiañez for being chosen for the Blue Pioneers Accelerator Program
Molecular-assisted taxonomic studies on some Caulerpa (Bryopsidales, Ulvophyceae) species from Aurora province and Benham Bank, Philippine Rise, Philippines
Congratulation Dr. Lilibeth A. Salvador-Reyes
The University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAA) Alumni Awards
2023 Asian Scientists 100 Honoree
2023 NAST Awardees
Tales From The Sails
Tales From The Sails
Tales From The Sails
Bulletin 14: Possible oil slick sighting near Coron
Bulletin 13: Seepage continues, slick heading to nearby coastal areas of Naujan, Pola, and Calapan
Bulletin 12: Large slicks northwest and southeast of sunken tanker — window of opportunity for oil collection
Bulletin 11: Calmer seas and larger slicks — window of opportunity for oil collection
Bulletin 10: Oil spill trajectory model forecasts that spill will flow through the Verde Island Passage for the rest of the week
Bulletin 09: Oil spill trajectories show northward shift with Calapan possibly receiving most of the oil from March 20-22
Bulletin 08: Oil slicks now sighted at the coasts of Calapan, along the Verde Island Passage
Bulletin 07: Oil spill trajectory model forecasts that spill will reach other areas of the Verde Island Passage due to weakening Amihan
Bulletin 06: Oil slick sightings and deposition reported in Taytay, Palawan
Bulletin 05: Report sightings of the oil spill to Karagatan Patrol
Bulletin 04: Model forecasts that spill will reach Cuyo Islands and get closer to northern Palawan in about a weeks time
Bulletin 03: Over 36,000 ha of coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass possibly affected by oil slick
Bulletin 02: Oil spill trajectory model and satellite imagery shows oil slick trajectory and affected areas
Bulletin 01: DENR, PCG, and MSI working together to address MT Princess Empress Oil Spill
24th International Seaweed Symposium
Blue Beat Initiative
Conotoxin research wins 2022 Golden Goose Award
Homes for the Holothurians: Optimizing sea cucumber management strategies through biophysical modeling
UP MSI 2019 – 2021 Report: Science, Leadership, and Community
The Case For Marine Scientific Research in the Philippines
Fishing in a Vortex: How ocean currents affect biological productivity
In Full Bloom: Predicting HAB events using A.I.
Filipino scientist makes history by reaching the 3rd deepest spot on Earth